Developmental Delay
Pyramid of Development
At Wired to Learn we consider all the different blocks that build layer upon layer sequentially as a child develops. Each layer of the pyramid creates a solid foundation for further development to build on. We call this Blocks to Learning:
As a child grows and develops, they learn different skills, such as taking a first step, smiling for the first time, or waving goodbye. These skills are known as developmental milestones and are key indicators that the blocks in the pyramid are developing in the natural manner, in the correct order at the right time. There is normal variation around what age children will achieve a specific developmental milestone. Developmental delay refers to a child who is not achieving milestones within the age range of that normal variability.
It is important to identify developmental delays early so that treatment can minimise the effects of the problem, effectively filling in any gaps in the foundation levels of the pyramid. This can be visualised as a ‘Jenga’ tower where the blocks represent development and learning. If blocks are missing on the lower levels the instability caused by the gaps has a direct impact on the stability of the tower, or development and learning, as a whole.
There is no one treatment that works for every child with a developmental delay as they may all be missing different blocks. Children are unique; they learn and grow and develop in their own way, at their own pace, based on their strengths and weaknesses. Any treatment plan will take this uniqueness into account and be designed to focus on individual needs.
We are happy to see children with developmental delay at any age. We will adapt the assessment to meet the child’s abilities both physically and verbally.